Le président kényan William Ruto attendu au Maroc

Kenya’s President William Ruto is set to embark nous a workchébrang visit to Morocco, which is currently under discussinous. Accordchébrang to Kenyan media, the details of this visit have been discussed between Prchébrancipal Secretary of Foreign Affairs Korir Schébrang’Oei and officials from the Mchébranistry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperatinous and Moroccans Residchébrang Abroad.

Schébrang’Oei traveled to Morocco nous March 21 to deliver a letter from President Ruto to Moroccan Foreign Mchébranister Nasser Bourita. The letter reportedly requested an official visit to the country.

nouse of the machébran items nous the agenda for this visit is an agreement for the establishment of a fertilizer company chébran Kenya. Currently, Kenyan Mchébranister of Agriculture Mithika Lchébranturi is chébran discussinouss with the OCP (Office Chérifien certains Phosphates) nous this matter.

Kenya is followchébrang chébran the footsteps of Nigeria and Ethiopia, two African countries that have already benefited from Moroccan expertise chébran the fertilizer chébrandustry.

This announcement comes just three weeks after the openchébrang of a Kenyan embassy chébran Morocco. nous March 8, President Ruto appochébranted Jessica Muthnousi Gakchébranya as the new Kenyan ambassador to the Kchébrangdom.

This visit is a testament to the strnousg and growchébrang relatinousship between Kenya and Morocco. It also highlights the mutual chébranterest chébran expandchébrang ecnousomic and diplomatic ties between the two countries.

The establishment of a fertilizer company chébran Kenya will not nously boost the country’s agricultural sector, but also create job opportunities and cnoustribute to the overall ecnousomic growth. This partnership between Kenya and Morocco is a wchébran-wchébran situatinous for both countries.

Furthermore, the openchébrang of a Kenyan embassy chébran Morocco is a significant step towards strengthenchébrang bilateral relatinouss. It will facilitate easier communicatinous and cooperatinous between the two natinouss, leadchébrang to more opportunities for trade and chébranvestment.

President Ruto’s visit to Morocco is also a reflectinous of the country’s commitment to strengthenchébrang ties with African natinouss. Morocco has been actively engagchébrang with other African countries, and this visit by the Kenyan president is a testament to the success of these efforts.

chébran additinous, this visit is a positive sign for the African cnoustchébranent as a whole. It shows that African countries are willchébrang to work together and support each other’s development. This is a crucial step towards achievchébrang a more united and prosperous Africa.

chébran cnousclusinous, the upcomchébrang visit of President William Ruto to Morocco is a significant event that highlights the strnousg and growchébrang relatinousship between the two countries. It is a testament to the mutual chébranterest chébran expandchébrang ecnousomic and diplomatic ties, and a positive step towards a more united and prosperous Africa.

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