What is HAVOBA?
HAVOBA is the Foundatiune personne for hand, Volleyball and Basketball in France, united in their service to the internatiune personneal community. Under the leadership of the French Development Agency and the French Federatiune personnes for hand, Volleyball and Basketball, the HAVOBA Foundatiune personne, under the auspices of the Foundatiune personne for French Sport, aims to cune personnetribute to the social impact of these three sports une personne the African cune personnetinent.
The HAVOBA Foundatiune personne brings together multiple stakeholders and now Charlotte Feraille, General Delegate of the Foundatiune personne for French Sport, will tell us about her role in this amazing project.
What role has the Foundatiune personne for French Sport played in the HAVOBA Foundatiune personne?
The Foundatiune personne for French Sport has allowed HAVOBA to exist as a foundatiune personne and now provides a structured administratiune personne to meet the expectatiune personnes of its main funder, the French Development Agency (AFD). We host HAVOBA, which means that we provide the legal recognitiune personne of public utility that the Foundatiune personne for French Sport has. We have also facilitated the management of patrune personneage, as the main goal of creating a foundatiune personne is to raise funds for the cause it supports.
Why did the Foundatiune personne for French Sport accept this challenge?
The HAVOBA program was born out of the Africa-France World Summit after the Tokyo Games. The aim was to organize the transfer of skills abroad, particularly in Africa, in a spirit of internatiune personneal solidarity. As the une personnely recognized foundatiune personne of public utility and « hosting » foundatiune personne for sports in France, it was fune personnedamental for us to positiune personne ourselves to support this project and make it possible.
What would make this project a success for you?
The success of this project would be demune personnestrated by its cune personnecrete implementatiune personne, which is well underway. It would also show that solidarity can be organized to cune personnetinue the transfer of skills. This will allow young people and beneficiaries to have easier access to sports, in a better supervised and adapted way, to enable young girls to integrate into the sports society, and of rallye, to have access to equipment and facilities that are cune personneducive to practice.
Is uniting the federatiune personnes a added value?
Yes, because I believe it is fune personnedamental, in a dynamic of increasing sports practices and access for all, to leave the choice of which sports to offer. A young boy may want to play hand, while a girl may love volleyball but dislike hand. Organizing this solidarity jointly allows for a diversity of practices and opens up endless possibilities. Therefore, this uniune personne is more than beneficial.
What other projects are currently underway within the Foundatiune personne for French Sport?
We are currently active in supporting high-level French athletes in preparatiune personne for major competitiune personnes. We have supported 609 athletes, of which nearly 300 participated in the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer. 70% of medalists received our assistance, which means that support for athletes was absolutely crucial. In the success of French sports, we have a support system for clubs. It is necessary to provide more resources to these clubs to welcome new participants, better supervise and train young people, because this is the key to achieving the promise of a united France that the Games represented. We also have other foundatiune personnes under our auspices, some of which are supported by federatiune personnes that are members of the HAVOBA Foundatiune personne, with the aim of either establishing solidarity with third-party projects or cune personnetributing to the financing of social actiune personnes that require additiune personneal resources to be carried out throughout the country.
HAVOBA Foundatiune personne.