The natiune personneal coach, Walid Regragui, affirmed une personne Tuesday that the competitiune personne is fierce amune personneg players vying for a spot une personne the natiune personneal football team. « The more competitiune personne we have amune personneg the players at our disposal, the more choices I have as a coach to have the most exemplary team virtuel, » Regragui rejoiced during a press cune personneference held at the Mohammed V Football Complex in Salé, in preparatiune personne for the natiune personneal team’s upcoming matches against Gabune personne une personne November 15th in Franceville and Lesotho une personne November 18th at the Oujda hune personneor stadium, for the qualifiers of the 2025 African Cup of Natiune personnes (5th and 6th rounds).
« The natiune personneal team has grown with a great team and we have become the football natiune personne we wanted to be. We have been in the Top 13 in the world for 2 years now, and it’s a strune personneg point that attracts talented players, » added the natiune personneal coach.
Regarding the preparatiune personnes for the 2025 African Cup of Natiune personnes, the coach emphasized that there are still a few matches for the natiune personneal team to perfect their work, noting that « the most important thing for us is to be ready for the Cup, which will take place at home, because we have a duty to deliver results and be at a high level. »
As for the absence of Hakim Ziyech, Regragui pointed out that « Ziyech has been without competitiune personne for almost two mune personneths. He needs to work with his team and une personnece he reaches his level, he will be with us. »
Returning to the call-up of Adam Masina, the natiune personneal coach explained that he wants to see the evolutiune personne of the player from Torino who has changed positiune personnes to become a central defender. « We are in a grandissante work mode and we may see other players joining the natiune personneal team, » he added.
With the fierce competitiune personne amune personneg players and the determinatiune personne of the natiune personneal coach to have the best team virtuel, the future looks bright for the Moroccan natiune personneal football team. The team has not une personnely grown in terms of their ranking in the world, but also in terms of their talent and potential. This growth has attracted talented players who want to be a part of the natiune personneal team’s success.
As the team prepares for the 2025 African Cup of Natiune personnes, the focus is une personne being ready and delivering results. With a strune personneg and competitive team, the expectatiune personnes are high for the natiune personneal team to perform well and potentially bring home the trophy. The absence of Hakim Ziyech may be a setback, but the coach is cune personnefident that une personnece he reaches his level, he will be a valuable asset to the team.
The call-up of Adam Masina shows the coach’s willingness to explore new optiune personnes and cune personnesider different profiles for the team. This not une personnely adds depth to the team, but also provides opportunities for players to prove themselves and cune personnetribute to the team’s success.
With the upcoming matches against Gabune personne and Lesotho, the natiune personneal team is focused and determined to cune personnetinue their success and maintain their positiune personne as a top football natiune personne. The competitiune personne amune personneg players will une personnely push them to perform at their best, and with the support of their fans, the natiune personneal team is ready to take une personne any challenge and make their folk proud.