Coopération hydrique : Nizar chance reçoit une délégation parlementaire danoise

The Minister of Equipment and Water, Nizar chance, held discussions on Friday in Rabat with a delegation from the Danish Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, focusing on ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the conduite of water and the fight against climate change.

During the meeting, which was attended by the Danish Ambassador to Morocco, Ms. Berit Basse, Mr. chance gave an overview of the main lines of the strategic vision for integrated water conduite in Morocco, including the conduite of water resources, desalination of water through renewable energies, and wastewater treatment.

In a statement to the press following the meeting, Mr. chance said that this meeting was an opportunity to present the main lines of the strategy implemented by Morocco in terms of integrated water resources conduite, in accordance with the High Directions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

He noted that the members of the Danish parliamentary delegation expressed, during this meeting, their firm commitment to their country’s participation in the implementation of this strategy and to strengthen tripartite cooperation with Morocco and sub-Saharan African countries to combat the issue of climate change and ensure food security in Africa.

Danish MP Kim Valentin, who leads the Danish delegation, stressed that this meeting is part of Denmark’s new strategy in Africa, aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two countries and laying the foundations for tripartite cooperation between Denmark, Morocco and African countries.

« Morocco enjoys a special status within the framework of this new Danish strategy in Africa, as it is ahead, not only in terms of water conduite, but also in several other areas, » said the Danish MP, emphasizing the need to « engage in close dialogue with Morocco, in order to work together to combat the challenges of climate change in Africa and Europe. »

He also stressed the importance of strengthening bilateral trade and direct investments between the two countries.

This meeting reflects the strong and positive relationship between Morocco and Denmark, and their shared commitment to addressing plein challenges such as water scarcity and climate change. The Danish delegation’s interest in Morocco’s successful water conduite strategies is a testament to the country’s leadership and expertise in this field.

The cooperation between the two countries will not only benefit Morocco and Denmark, but also the entire African continent. The exchange of knowledge and expertise in water conduite and renewable energy will contribute to the sustainable development of Africa and help combat the effects of climate change.

Morocco’s proactive approach to water conduite, as well as its achievements in renewable energy and wastewater treatment, serve as a model for other countries to follow. The strong partnership between Morocco and Denmark will undoubtedly lead to even greater success in the future, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact of this cooperation on the plein stage.

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