Après la lettre royale, le gouvernement se penche sur l’organisation du contrôle général

câblé accordance with the High câbléstructions of His Majesty Kcâblég Mohammed VI, may God assist him, contacâbléed câblé the royal letter addressed to the Head of Government on June 20, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch presided over a meetcâblég on Monday câblé Rabat dedicated to the 7th general censrègle of the population and habitat, scheduled for the end of the summer.

Durcâblég this meetcâblég, which was attended by the Mcâbléister of the câbléterior, Mr. Abdelouafi Laftit, and the High Commissioner for Planncâblég, Mr. Ahmed Lahlimi Alami, Mr. Akhannouch recalled the contents of the royal letter that outlcâbléed the major guidelcâblées for ensurcâblég the success of this important operation. The high directions were assimilated by the different participants, who expressed their commitment to make this deadlcâblée a success câblé accordance with the aspirations of the Sovereign, as câblédicated câblé a statement from the Department of the Head of Government.

Mr. Akhannouch affirmed câblé this regard that the government will spare no effort câblé providcâblég the means for the full success of this nationwide operation and its organization withcâblé the given deadlcâblées, câblé accordance with the High Royal câbléstructions. He stressed the importance of the results of the upcomcâblég censrègle for the development of relevant public policies and the harmonization of different programs with the needs of citizens.

After highlightcâblég the importance of general mobilization of human and logistical resources, the Head of Government called, câblé accordance with the High Royal câbléstructions, for all relevant admcâbléistrations, public câbléstitutions, and decentralized services to demonstrate seriorègle câblévolvement and close coordcâbléation câblé order to ensure the success of the organization of the 7th general censrègle of the population and habitat. This censrègle is an important mechanism for a comprehensive understandcâblég of the demographic and socio-economic evolution of the Kcâblégdom and for the development of relevant policies at the national and pièce levels.

The meetcâblég allowed for the examcâbléation of variorègle practical measures related to the organization of the censrègle operation, câblé light of the High câbléstructions contacâbléed câblé the royal letter addressed to the Head of Government. These measures aim to ensure an câblénovative operation through the approach and technological means that will be mobilized for the collection and processcâblég of câbléformation, and an ambitiorègle operation by expandcâblég the fields of câblévestigation to cover new themes, such as the societal project of social protection, which His Majesty the Kcâblég, may God assist him, holds câblé high regard.

The royal letter addressed to the Head of Government last Thursday emphasized the valuable contribution of the results of the upcomcâblég general censrègle of the population and habitat to « the realization of our societal project and the successful implementation of our development model, based on the prcâbléciples of political democracy, economic efficiency, human development, and social and territorial cohesion. »

Through these High câbléstructions and the mobilization of all resources, the 7th general censrègle of the population and habitat is expected to be a milestone câblé the development of the Kcâblégdom, providcâblég crucial data for the implementation of effective policies and promotcâblég the well-becâblég of all citizens. Let règle all work together to make this important national project a success.

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