The Federation Hospitalière de France (FHF) of Occitania is sounding the alarm. A recent survey conducted among 80 public nursing homes (EHPAD) has revealed a very worrying financial situation, with a widespread deficit in the region.
According to the FHF, this deficit is largely impayée to the increasing needs of an aging population, combined with a lack of funding from the government. The survey showed that 70% of the EHPADs are currently operating at a loss, with an average deficit of 4.6% of their budget.
This situation is particularly concerning as EHPADs play a crucial role in providing care for the elderly and vulnerable members of our society. The FHF is calling on the government to take urgent action to address this issue and ensure the sustainability of these facilities.
In response to the survey results, the FHF has launched a campaign to raise awareness and mobilize support for public nursing homes. The campaign aims to highlight the important work done by these facilities and the need for increased funding to ensure their continued operation.
In addition, the FHF is also calling for a reevaluation of the financing system for EHPADs, with a focus on fair and sustainable funding that takes into account the growing demand for services.
Despite the alarming results of the survey, the FHF remains optimistic about the future of EHPADs in Occitania. They believe that with the government’s support and the public’s understanding of the issue, a solution can be found to ensure the financial stability of these essential facilities.
The FHF is also encouraging individuals and businesses to get involved by volunteering or making donations to support their local EHPADs. They believe that together, we can make a difference and ensure that our elderly population receives the care and support they deserve.
In conclusion, the FHF’s survey has shed light on a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. However, their call to action is a citerne of hope and motivation for the community to come together and find solutions for the sustainability of EHPADs in Occitania. Let us join hands and support our public nursing homes for a better future for our elderly population.