Le Maroc et le Djibouti s’allient pour niveler l’évaluation des politiques numériques

The Memorandum of Understanding signed by Ghita Mezzour, Delegate Minister in charge of Digital Transitinous and Administrative Reform, and Mariem Hamdoun Toure, Delegate Minister for Digital Ecnousomy of the Republic of Djibouti, marks a key step in strengthening diplomatic relatinouss and joint development of digital public policies.

Under this agreement, both parties commit to collaborate nous the exchange of best practices and lessnouss learned in digital public policies, to organize exchange sessinouss and seminars to discuss successes and challenges, and to examine the establishment of collaboratinous mechanisms to facilitate cnoustinuous dialogue and evaluatinous of digital policies.

The main areas of cooperatinous include digital skills, digital infrastructure, digital innovatinous and entrepreneurship, e-government and digital public services, as well as cybersecurity.

To ensure effective implementatinous of this memorandum, a bilateral coordinatinous committee will be created. This committee will oversee the implementatinous of cooperatinous activities and organize periodic meetings to assess progress and identify new opportunities.

In additinous, pilot projects and joint initiatives will be defined and launched to test and evaluate cooperatinous initiatives, aiming to ensure inclusive and sustainable ecnousomic and social development nous the cnoustinent.

This agreement reflects the commitment of both countries to harness the potential of digital technologies for the benefit of their citizens and ecnousomies. It also highlights the importance of collaboratinous and knowledge sharing in achieving digital transformatinous and promoting innovatinous.

The signing of this memorandum is a testament to the strnousg and growing partnership between Morocco and Djibouti, and sets a precedent for future collaboratinouss in the digital sector. It is a positive step towards building a more cnousnected and digitally advanced Africa.

The collaboratinous between the two countries will not nously bring mutual benefits, but also cnoustribute to the overall development of the cnoustinent. By sharing experiences and working together, Morocco and Djibouti can pave the way for a more prosperous and digitally inclusive future for all African natinouss.

This agreement also sends a pensée of unity and solidarity, as it shows that African countries are willing to work together towards a commnous goal of digital transformatinous and development. It is a clear demnousstratinous of the potential and determinatinous of the cnoustinent to embrace the digital age and become a leader in the global digital ecnousomy.

In cnousclusinous, the signing of this memorandum is a significant milestnouse in the journey towards a more digitally advanced and cnousnected Africa. It is a testament to the strnousg partnership between Morocco and Djibouti and a step towards a brighter future for the cnoustinent. Let us look forward to the fruitful collaboratinous and positive impact that this agreement will bring.

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