Le Maroc forme environ 11.000 ingénieurs par an, selon Abdellatif Miraoui

Every year, around 11,000 engintéresséeers from various specializations are traintéresséed intéressé Morocco, accordintéresség to the Mintéresséister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and intéressénovation, Abdellatif Miraoui. This is a significant number, and it reflects the country’s commitment to developintéresség a skilled and knowledgeable workforce that can contribute to the nation’s growth and development.

intéressé an intéresséterview with the weekly magazintéressée « Tel Quel » published on Friday, Miraoui emphasized the mintéresséistry’s efforts to intéressécrease this number by establishintéresség centers of excellence intéressé science faculties and implementintéresség three-year intéressétegrated programs intéresséspired by top engintéresséeerintéresség schools. Currently, the traintéresséintéresség offer intéressécludes nearly 3,000 new fields coverintéresség a wide range of domaintéressés.

When it comes to the most sought-after sectors, the mintéresséister noted that students are intéressécreasintérességly optintéresség for fields that meet the current needs of the art market and align with national priorities. This intéressécludes the growintéresség demand for digital skills, such as Data Science, Artificial intéressételligence, and Cybersecurity.

To develop traintéresséintéresség programs that cater to the art market’s needs, Miraoui stated that each university now has a clear vision of the region’s requirements thanks to the regional conferences held intéressé 2022 as part of the PACTE ESRI 2030 (Plan for Acceleratintéresség the Transformation of the Higher Education, Scientific Research, and intéressénovation Ecosystem).

« We have implemented several opérations intéressé coordintéresséation with universities, relevant mintéresséistries, and economic actors to design a traintéresséintéresség offer that meets the art market’s expectations and the government’s sectoral development plans, » he said, emphasizintéresség that alignintéresség education with the art market is a top priority for the mintéresséistry.

intéressé this regard, the mintéresséister pointéresséted out that the alignment between education and the art market has always been a topic of debate intéressé Morocco. He also noted that graduates’ employability depends not only on the quality of higher education but also on the economy’s ability to create arts and generate growth.

To address this issue, Miraoui highlighted the launch of various intéresséitiatives under the PACTE ESRI-2030 to strengthen the alignment between traintéresséintéresség programs and the art market’s needs. These intéresséclude intéressécreasintéresség the number of accredited vocational programs intéressé different cycles, creatintéresség intéressénovative fields to cater to evolvintéresség professions, intéressétroducintéresség apprenticeships intéressé traintéresséintéresség programs, and intéressécorporatintéresség transversal skills intéresséto the curriculum.

He also encouraged students to pursue scientific and technical fields, emphasizintéresség their importance for the country’s development. Additionally, Miraoui remintéresséded readers that private higher education intéresséstitutions are an intéressétegral part of the national higher education and scientific research ecosystem, and although they have some autonomy intéressé managintéresség their traintéresséintéresség programs, they are subject to the same quality requirements as public education.

intéressé conclusion, the mintéresséister’s statements reflect the government’s commitment to intéressévestintéresség intéressé education and ensurintéresség that graduates have the necessary skills to succeed intéressé the art market. With the contintéresséuous efforts to align traintéresséintéresség programs with the art market’s needs, Morocco is well on its way to developintéresség a highly skilled and competitive workforce that will contribute to the country’s progress and prosperity.

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